The Golden Gates of Kyiv
is one of the few architectural monuments reflecting the art of fortification
in Kyivan Rus which have survived into modern times. "The town of Yaroslav"
was surrounded by high earthen rampart some 3.5 kilometers long. It ran
along the present-day streets of downtown Kyiv starting at Lvov Square
(where the Lvov Gates were located) along Yaroslavov Val Street to the
Golden Gates, down Sverdlov and Novopushkinskaya Streets to the present-day
October Revolution Square, where the Lyadskiye Gates once stood, and then
again up the hills to what is now Kalinin Square.
The Golden Gates were the
main entrance into Kyiv. Erected by builders of Old Rus, this unique structure
was a combination of defensive tower and church. This impregnable for-tress
provoked the admiration of contemporaries and inspired enemies with awe.
The Gates did not escape the ravages of time. The written testimony of
travelers during their sojourns in Kyiv in the sixteenth—seventeenth centuries
as well as drawings made by Abraham van Westerfeldt in 1651 testify to
the fact that during this period, the structure was in a state of neglect.
Still, up to the mid-eighteenth century, the Golden Gates served as the
entrance way into Kyiv. It was at the Golden Gates that Krevites welcomed
Bogdan Khmelnitsky, hero of the Ukrainian people's national-liberation
struggle who won the victory at the town of Zhovty Vody in 1648. In 1654,
the year of the reunification of the Ukraine with Russia, it was through
the Golden Gates that the Russian ambassadors ceremoniously entered Kyiv.
In the late seventeenth-early eighteenth century earthen bas-tions were
constructed in front of the Gates in accordance with the plan for reconstruction
of the city's fortifications.
In the mid-eighteenth century,
following engineer Debosquet's design, the remnants of the ancient Golden
Gates were buried in earth and replaced with new ones.
The ruins of the ancient
memorial were uncovered by K. Lokhvitsky in 1832, when during archeological
excavations, the passage way was cleared and what was left of the earthen
rampart adjoining the structure from both sides was done away with. As
a result, of the monument two parallel walls (25 and 13 meters long and
about 8 meters high) were pre-served. Later, work was carried out under
the supervision of V. Beretti with the intention of reinforcing the ruins:
the old masonry was repaired with new brickwork; flying buttresses were
erected, and the territory around the Gates was enclosed in a fence of
wrought iron. With time, however, the ancient masonry, exposed to wind
and precipitation, further de-teriorated.
In the 1970s, a plan was
approved which envisaged the construction of a protective pavilion which
would prevent the Gates from further destruction and at the same time re-construct
the initial appearance of the monument.
To carry out the project,
much preliminary research had to- be done, for little information on the
structure was available in spite of the fact that many scientists had carried
out the research, among them were K. Lokhvitsky, F. Sointsev, P. Pokryshkin,
A. Ertel, V. Layskoronsky, V. Bogusevich, Yu. Aseyev, to mention but a
few. In 1972—1973, detailed archeological and architectural research was
conducted. As a result, the ancient level of the passage way was defined,
the initial hight of the arches on the basis of the surviving pilasters
was calculated; the structure of the ramparts and the plan of the church
was ascertained.
According to this research,
the design of a protective pavilion was worked out which re-created the
ancient appearance of the structure. The project was elaborated by architect-restorer
Ye. Lopushinskaya, S. Vysotsky, Dr. Sc. (History), architect-restorer N.
Kholostenko and engineer L. Mandelblat.
The specific method of conservation
consists in the fact that the new structures of the pa-vilion have been
erected independent of the ancient masonry, which, in this fashion is spared
the burden of additional weight. The ancient structures (including nineteenth-century
brickwork and joins of metal) have been fully preserved and can be viewed
from all direc-tions. The protective pavilion thus preserves this memorial
of ancient architecture and at the same time recreates its original appearance,
showing the grandeur and majesty of this marvelous structure.
The ancient masonry of the
Golden Gates looks especially impressive from the direction of the passage
way. The height of the walls that survived reaches some 9.5 meters, while
the passage way is 6.4 meters wide. The pilasters (8.43: 11.12: 13.36 meters
high) which once supported the arched vault project inside the passage
The wall surfaces are illus-trative
of the decorative peculiarities of the "mixed" masonry, where bands of
stone and plinthoi alternate with wide strips of mortar. The walls erected
in the first half of the eleventh century are adjoined to wall masonry
of a later period, also executed using the "mixed" technique. Compared
with the earlier masonry, it differs in thickness of plinthoi and color
of mortar. These are the traces of the restora-tion work done in the twelfth
Inside the pavilion one
can clearly see the reverse sides of the passage way which in the times
of old were adjacent to the rampart; therefore the masonry here lacked
decorative details. The walls in this passage way show the imprints of
the wooden logs of which the inner reinforcement structures were built.
The rampart, in its turn, was surrounded by a moat 15 meters wide and 8
metres deep.
The reconstructed pavilion
of the Golden Gates is a crenellated tower fourteen meters in hight. When
viewed from the facade, an additional projection, the so-called "minor
or small tower" can be seen. The entrance way is shielded on one side by
a metal-covered porticullis of wood and on the other side by doors patterned
after the ancient gates that survived in the churches of Novgorod and Suzdal.
The Gate Church of the Annunciation
is re-created as a three-aisled, four-piered, single-domed structure. The
church apses are incorporated by the wall and do not project from the front.
The architectural decor of the church facades includes patterned brickwork
or meandering brick ornamentation on the frieze and is characteristic of
the Old Rus structures of the time. The church floors are adorned with
mosaic designs patterned after those in the St. Sophia Cathedral.
During archeological research
and excavations carried out at the Golden Gates, tesserae cubes, sections
of fresco plaster, fragments of ceramic vessels and lumps of mortar with
inscriptions and drawings were found. These finds testify to the fact that
the Church of the Annunciation was lavishly adorned with mosaics and fresco
painting. To improve the acoustics in the church and lighten the structural
weight, hollow clay jugs were inserted into the church vaults. On the walls
of the structure inscriptions reminiscent of those in the St. Sophia Monastery
were made.
During the monument's reconstruction,
the sections of the earthen rampart adjacent to the Gates were re-created
as well. The slopes of the rampart are laid with turf, and the butt ends
show the inner structure of the fortifications. In the times of old, warehouses
were incorporated into the rampart. Today, sections of the reconstructed
rampart house an exhi-bition hall and a stairway leading to the crest from
which an excellent view of the city can be had.
The structure re-creating
the initial appearance of this unique architectural monument which was
part of the city's fortifications has made the city's center even more
beautiful The opening of the Golden Gates pavilion was scheduled to coincide
with the celebration of the 1,500th anniversary of the foundation of Kyiv
in May 1982. |
Golden Gates
old photo
Golden Gates
old photo
The Golden Gates
XI century
Prior to the
construction of the
protective pavilion
The Golden Gates
The reconstructed